1×04 – Caccia ai Fantasmi – Allegiance
Galleria 1x04
Caccia ai Fantasmi (Chasing Ghosts) è l'episodio numero 4 della Stagione 1 della serie televisiva Allegiance.
Girato in USA, dura circa 45 minuti. Prima vsione assoluta giovedì 26 Febbraio 2015 su NBC. Prima vsione in Italia lunedì 28 Settembre 2015 su Premium Stories.


L'arrivo di Alex e della squadra dell'FBI impedisce a Katya e Mark di ripassare attraverso il tunnel e di copiare l'hard disk. Decidono quindi di portare il computer direttamente all'FBI. Prima di entrare decidono di aprirlo per verificare le informazioni e capire se valgono davvero l'immunita'. Ma si avvia il programma di auto formattazione. Mark fa appena in tempo a fotografare una schermata. Natalie prova a criptare il portatile, prima che venga riportato a Izakov. Ma prima o poi all'SVR si accorgeranno che e' stato manomesso. E' solo questione di tempo.

Alex shines his flashlight into the dark hole in the ceiling of the mechanical room of Philadelphia City Hall. He knows someone is up there - he can feel it - but the FBI team is heading out. Their mission to find Mikhail's laptop has failed because Alex was wrong about its location. But Alex knows he was right. He starts climbing up the ladder, just inches from where Katya and Mark are hiding in the rafters, clutching the laptop in the dark. But before he can spot them, the team leader yells at him to get going and not compound his massive screwup any further by getting caught. With Alex gone, Katya and Mark breathe a sigh of relief - that is, until Victor calls. He tells them to walk out with the crowd at the end of the mayor's speech and rendezvous in the alley. If they don't, the Rezident will come after them. Or Sarah. This means the O'Connors can't go through with their plan to copy the drive. But Mark has one last move. He and Katya will slip out while the mayor is still speaking and use the subway tracks to get most of the way to the FBI field office six blocks away. Natalie will grab Sarah and meet them there. It's a risky plan, but it might just work. And if it doesn't, the SVR will kill them on the spot. Katya calls Natalie to tell her the plan, but Natalie can't get ahold of Sarah, who went shopping at Macy's and is ignoring her sister's calls. Mark and Katya make it to the FBI, but their daughters are nowhere to be found. Before turning in the laptop, they check it to make sure they've got something of value for the FBI. They locate the file, but it's password protected. Suddenly the screen starts to pixilate - the hard drive is erasing itself! Mark snaps a video as the drive self-destructs. Now what?! Katya and Mark meet up with Natalie, who has a fix that might just save their lives. If she can encrypt the drive, maybe the Rezident won't know the O'Connors destroyed it. Katya and Mark race back to meet Victor, but they're late and the Rezident is pissed. His henchmen push them into a van, throw hoods over their heads and drive them to an undisclosed location. When the hoods are removed, Mark and Katya are facing down the barrel of the Rezident's gun. He knows what they did. Katya denies it, threatening that if he kills them, the FBI will investigate Alex and find a connection to the Rezident. Angry, the Rezident holsters his pistol, telling the O'Connors the laptop will go to Moscow to beat the encryption and then they'll see if Katya is lying. Until then, the SVR will be watching them day and night. Abandoned in the middle of nowhere, Katya and Mark make their way to a bus stop. They sit in silence until Katya decides it's time to have the talk they've been avoiding for years. She admits to Mark that she did, indeed, have an affair a while back, when Mark was going on business trips for months at a time, leaving her alone with the kids. She starts to explain herself, but Mark stops her. He, too, had an affair. Katya says she knew, but she chose not to say anything, for the family. They've gone through dark times, but they made it. And they're going to make it now. Katya and Mark meet up with Natalie, who says they have a month until Moscow decrypts the drive. Now they need to decrypt Mark's video of the drive and pray it's enough to take to the FBI. Natalie knows how to encrypt, but not how to decrypt, though she knows someone who can: her ex-boyfriend Stephen. With the new plan in place, Katya pulls Natalie aside and tells her she must break up with Victor. Being with him puts the whole family and Victor at risk. If the Rezident finds out, he'll kill them both. At the task force headquarters, Alex pours over blueprints of City Hall, refusing to let Philadelphia go. Suddenly the FBI director barges into the task force offices, livid about the monumental Easter egg screw up. He specifically calls out Alex, and says a FISA judge is flying up in two days to hear exactly how the task force was so confident in what they'd find and yet so flatly wrong. Alex interjects - they weren't wrong; the Russians just beat them to it. This prompts the director to go on a tirade, demanding the task force grovel in front of the judge. Then, just maybe, the judge won't shut the task force down for constitutional infringement. Alex is humiliated and utterly devastated. But Alex still has one person on his side: Sam. He tells Alex to take Michelle and keep digging until they get to the bottom of what happened in Philly. It doesn't take long for Alex to crack the case. He realizes that despite the fact that the door to the mechanical room in City Hall was labeled "Keep Door Closed. Alarm Will Sound," no alarm went off when the FBI team entered. Unless the door was broken, that could only mean someone had entered before them and dismantled the alarm. He and Michelle head back to City Hall to prove his theory, where they find that the low-voltage wire connected to the buzzer has been snipped - Alex was right! They then climb up to the rafters Katya and Mark hid in and find two sets of footprints. They also find Katya and Mark's underground route out of City Hall through the Masonic Temple. While they can't access the temple's security footage, Alex has a brilliant workaround: they'll get footage from the public buses that stop right in front of the temple. They don't need to see the Russians inside the temple if they can see them going in and out. Meanwhile, Natalie meets with Victor to end things, but can't bring herself to do it. As she walks away, tears in her eyes, Stephen stops her on the street with news. He decrypted the file, which refers to a half-mile blast radius and various bank accounts. As he puts it, "You've got money whipping all around the world and a plan to make a very big explosion." Stephen, for one, is getting out of town for a while, and he suggests Natalie do the same. Natalie relays Stephen's findings to her parents, who remark that the death toll from this kind of explosion would start a war. Could Russia really want that? Unfortunately, the blast radius data isn't enough to bring to the FBI for immunity, so now they must find out who controls the bank accounts and go from there. That night, Natalie has a change of heart. She goes to Victor's place and hands him a bag of his things. She's changed her locks. They're over. Back at the office, Alex and Michelle pour over the bus footage. Alex spots a man entering the Masonic temple Sunday morning, but can't make out his face. He keeps looking, hoping to see the man walking out of the temple, but instead he makes a shocking discovery: footage of Sarah outside Macy's. He immediately texts his little sister, telling her to meet him at their favorite restaurant, but when he gets there, Mark and Katya are the ones waiting for him. "It was you, wasn't it?" He asks his parents. "In Philadelphia." "Yes," replies Katya. "And it's time to tell you everything... so you understand why."


Serie Televisiva: Allegiance
Stagione: 1 - Episodio: 4
Titolo Italiano: Caccia ai Fantasmi
Titolo Originale: Chasing Ghosts
Prima Visione Assoluta: giovedì 26 Febbraio 2015 su NBC
Prima Visione USA: giovedì 26 Febbraio 2015 su NBC
Prima Visione Italia: lunedì 28 Settembre 2015 su Premium Stories
Nazione: USA
Durata: 45 minuti
Genere: Drammatico, Thriller

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