1×08 – You Mean All This Time We Could Have Been Friends? – Feud: Bette and Joan
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You Mean All This Time We Could Have Been Friends? è l'episodio numero 8 della Stagione 1 della serie televisiva Feud.
Girato in USA, dura circa 45 minuti. Prima vsione assoluta domenica 23 Aprile 2017 su FX.


Following the critical failure of her latest film, Trog, Joan officially retires from acting. In the years following, her health deteriorates rapidly. One night, Joan hallucinates seeing Jack and Hedda in her apartment having a party, where she joins them and is later joined by Bette. In the fantasy, Joan and Bette end their feud and speak civilly toward each other about one another. Joan dies a week later. Meanwhile Bette, who has worked consistently since Sweet Charlotte, learns of Joan's death via a journalist who asks for comment. Bette responds with one final negative comment towards Joan. At that year's Academy Awards, Bette expresses sadness at Joan's brief appearance in the 'In Memoriam' segment. A flashback to the very first day of filming Baby Jane shows Bette and Joan chatting happily before going into their separate trailers.


Serie Televisiva: Feud
Stagione: 1 - Episodio: 8
Titolo Italiano: You Mean All This Time We Could Have Been Friends?
Titolo Originale: You Mean All This Time We Could Have Been Friends?
Prima Visione Assoluta: domenica 23 Aprile 2017 su FX
Prima Visione USA: domenica 23 Aprile 2017 su FX
Nazione: USA
Durata: 45 minuti
Genere: Biografia, Drammatico

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