1×12 – Obiettivo raggiunto – Allegiance
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Obiettivo raggiunto (Those Who Help Themselves) è l'episodio numero 12 della Stagione 1 della serie televisiva Allegiance.
Girato in USA, dura circa 45 minuti. Prima vsione assoluta giovedì 23 Aprile 2015 su VOD. Prima vsione in Italia lunedì 23 Novembre 2015 su Premium Action.


Victor vuole uccidere Izakov e prenderne il posto. Chiede l'approvazione prima di un miliardario russo (che uccide) poi del Generale Sergeyev. Ma e' tardi per fermare Black Dagger con la diplomazia. Continua la caccia a Christoph. Sam riesce a ottenere da Oleg gli alias dell'uomo, un elemento importante che consente alla task force di rintracciare il loft in cui Christoph sta preparando l'attentato. (Moriranno tutti durante l'irruzione). Nel frattempo Alex lavorando sugli alias rintraccia Elizabeth Simpson, la donna che sta con Christoph e che aspetta un figlio da lui. Alex Katya e Mark si fingono agenti della Sicurezza Nazionale e la convincono ad attirarlo in una trappola.

Victor decides he's done running from the SVR - it's time to fight back. And the best way to do that is to kill the Rezident. The Kremlin no longer controls the SVR, so Victor goes to have a heart-to-heart with Uri Aduluv, a cold-blooded killer whose father was the head of the KGB. The Rezident has failed Uri, as Victor and others know about Black Dagger, and Victor wants permission to kill him. He tells Uri to call the operation off or it'll start a war, but Uri argues Black Dagger is intended to start a gravitational shift to restore Russia to its proper place - without a war. And because Victor knows about Black Dagger, he'll have to die. A shootout ensues, but Victor quickly kills Uri, as well as his guards. He does, however, leave one alive to deliver a message to General Sergeyev. Victor meets with the General, whom he considers a man of principle, and tells him the Rezident is corrupt and Black Dagger is compromised. The General agrees that the SVR has fallen into the wrong hands, and promises to do what he can. He authorizes Victor to kill the Rezident and assures him he'll have full protection. Victor then makes one last request: to be the new Rezident. Meanwhile, Alex meets with Sam, who tells him the task force still has no idea Faber was the mole. Alex has info for Sam, but he needs protection for his family first. Sam agrees to put a protective detail outside the O'Connor home, so Alex tells him that after pouring over Sam's files, he's determined Oleg Zhulov, the man the task force arrested during the fake passport sting, is Christoph's setup man. He's arranged logistics for all of Christoph's attacks. Sam knows Zhulov won't talk, so he devises a plan. When he meets with him in prison, he brings forged documents that make it look like Zhulov spilled the beans to the task force about Black Dagger and Christoff 's involvement, and offers him protective custody from the SVR if he tells them what he knows. Zhulov reluctantly agrees, and reveals to Sam Christoph's various aliases, including Marcos Oliva. Sam relays this information to Alex, who investigates Christoph's identities, while Sam and the task force follow a lead on Christoph. They raid his workshop in Brooklyn, but Christoph escapes, leaving everything behind. Suddenly Sam yells for everyone to get out, but it's too late: Christoph blows the place up, and everyone in it. Meanwhile, Alex discovers that environmental investigative journalist Marcos Oliva has been all over the world doing research and attending energy conferences, all of which featured Elizabeth Simpson as a speaker. Alex realizes Elizabeth could be the key to everything and tries to call Sam to let him know, but Sam doesn't pick up. That's when Mark hears of the explosion on the police scanner. There were no survivors. Elizabeth Simpson, Christoph's (aka Marcos') girlfriend, has big news: she's pregnant! Christoph is ecstatic and decides to finally stop globetrotting and settle down with her in New York. Elizabeth is elated, but her excitement quickly turns to confusion when Mark, Katya and Alex knock at her door, posing as Homeland Security agents. They sit Elizabeth down and break the news to her that Marcos is actually a terrorist and their entire relationship is built on lies, but Elizabeth refuses to believe them. Katya explains that if she doesn't help them, she'll be aiding a known terrorist and will have her baby behind bars. Finally, Elizabeth agrees to call Marcos and get him to the apartment. Katya and Mark wait in the car to ambush Christoph while Alex sits with Elizabeth upstairs. Elizabeth still doesn't believe them, but agrees to give Alex her passwords so he can access classified oil and gas files. Just then, Christoph calls Elizabeth to tell her he's running late. He loves her and is grateful that she's made him a better person. With tears rolling down his cheeks he takes aim from a rooftop across the street, and just as Elizabeth hangs up, he shoots her in the head. Once again, Christoph gets away, but Alex makes an important discovery: the Black Dagger target is the Standard Gas Williamstown Processing Plant. It's scheduled for maintenance the next morning, and if someone tampers with the valves, the plant will become a giant bomb, killing tens of thousands of people and becoming a major eco-disaster. Back at the O'Connor home, Sarah and Natalie play video games, feeling secure with the FBI protective detail just outside. But they're not safe. SVR agents shoot the FBI detail and take control of their surveillance van, waiting for the word from the Rezident to kill the girls.


Serie Televisiva: Allegiance
Stagione: 1 - Episodio: 12
Titolo Italiano: Obiettivo raggiunto
Titolo Originale: Those Who Help Themselves
Prima Visione Assoluta: giovedì 23 Aprile 2015 su VOD
Prima Visione USA: giovedì 23 Aprile 2015 su VOD
Prima Visione Italia: lunedì 23 Novembre 2015 su Premium Action
Nazione: USA
Durata: 45 minuti
Genere: Drammatico, Thriller

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