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Bang, Bang è l'episodio numero 4 della Stagione 1 della serie televisiva State of Affairs.
Girato in USA, dura circa 45 minuti. Prima vsione assoluta lunedì 8 Dicembre 2014 su NBC. Prima vsione in Italia lunedì 28 Settembre 2015 su Premium Stories.


Charlie e Nick ricevono una minaccia dal pericolosissimo Gruppo Krieg. In Panama, la CIA e' impegnata ad arginare una possibile pandemia di vaiolo, causata da fiale usate per scopi di ricerca. Nel frattempo, una fuga di notizie sul rapporto relativo all'attacco terroristico di Kabul rivela un dettaglio importante.

In a hospital in a Panama slum, members of the World Health Organization struggle to treat malaria victims as local thugs swagger through the hospital in search of painkillers. Suddenly the entire building begins shaking. Earthquake! Lights blink and go out, carts tip over and send supplies crashing to the floor. In one empty room, some particular vials have shattered, spilling their contents... Alone in her apartment in Washington, Charlie tosses and turns in her bed. She can't stop thinking about her time on the black site ship five years ago, watching Nick's brutal interrogation of Omar Fatah. She flashes back to her first conversation with Fatah, when he was bruised and bloody but still unbroken, and she tried something Nick would never do; she tried talking to him. The buzz of her cellphone brings Charlie out of the reverie. She stares at her phone's screen, which displays a new text from her blackmailer: a picture of a gun accompanied by the words "Bang, Bang." Upset, Charlie goes to Nick's apartment, so distracted she almost gets hit by a cab. She shows Nick the new text. He has gotten one too. The mysterious texter is escalating his threat level. But Nick has a lead. He just can't talk about it yet... At the CIA, Charlie and her team settle down to prepare the day's intelligence briefing. Mo mentions that a Department of Defense reconnaissance plane flying over Panama detected smallpox after the earthquake. Charlie tells the team to keep the item in "the back of the book" and concentrate the brief on more pressing issues. At the White House, President Payton receives an unscheduled visit from Senator Green. There's some obvious history between the two women, but Chief of Staff DP talks Payton into taking the meeting. Alone in the Oval Office, Senator Green reminds Payton that the congressional report on the attack in Kabul that killed the president's son a year ago will be released on Friday. Which Payton already knew. What she does not know, Senator Green says, is that there's something in the report that could hurt her - and she should assume the worst. Charlie gives the president her daily briefing. Almost as an aside at the end, she mentions the smallpox in Panama. To Charlie's surprise, Payton already knows about it. When Charlie's boss, CIA Director Navarro arrives, the president orders him to brief Charlie. It turns out the hospital used to be a bioweapons research facility run by the American government, and someone must have forgotten to secure the smallpox when it closed. Back at the CIA, Charlie tasks her team with helping Jack Dawkins and his team recover whatever smallpox vials may still be unbroken at the hospital - and do it without the Panamanian government, unaware of the research facility's existence, finding out. Just another day at the office... Meanwhile, Nick has been chasing his lead on the texter to the home of a man named Dale, who was a guard on the black site ship five years ago. It was Dale who snapped the photos of Charlie and Nick with Fatah, and he sold them to an entity called The Krieg Group. "It's a lobbying group, right?" he says to Nick as the CIA operative presses a silenced pistol to his head. "No Dale, it is not a lobbying group," Nick growls. Luckily for Dale, his young son has awakened and wandered into the room at that very moment. Nick puts his gun away and leaves. At least he has the information he came for. In Panama, the mission to recover the smallpox starts smoothly as Dawkins' team infiltrates the hospital's basement and snatches up all the unbroken smallpox vials. But on their way out, they're surprised by a WHO worker walking out of a hallway full of patients. The hospital isn't empty after all! Jack radios Charlie and convinces her to give him permission to obtain a smallpox vaccine from the Red Cross in Panama City to inoculate the patients. Charlie's gut tells her this is a bad idea; the team needs to clear out of Panama now. But her heart overrules her gut, and she gives Jack the go-ahead. Nick meets with the mysterious Syd with news that he and Charlie know the photos were sold to the Krieg Group, and that Syd works for Krieg. But Syd knows a secret too: Nick has worked for Krieg as well. Besides, unknown to Nick, Syd has gotten an associate to plant a program on Charlie's phone that allows her to track the location of the phone that sent her the mysterious texts. Back in her office, Charlie is doing exactly that... which leads her to the CIA burn room, where bags of sensitive documents are waiting to be incinerated. A janitor tells her the burn bag where she found the phone came from the seventh floor... her floor. The blackmailer is someone from Charlie's team!? Another minute, and the evidence of their treachery would have gone up in smoke. Charlie is at a state dinner at the White House, where she watches President Payton deliver a warning to Senator Green: the president will not allow anyone to use her son's death as political currency. Charlie and the president's husband are admiring her skills when Director Navarro gets a call. The team at the CIA has just received word that Jack Dawkins was captured by Panamanian security forces as he tried to deliver the vaccine to the hospital. The president is stunned: she knows they have to disavow Jack, but she also wants Charlie to find a way to get him back. On her way home from the dinner, Charlie is pulling up to a stoplight, when Nick pops into her car. She pulls over, angry at him for stalking her, angry because he mentioned her dead fiancé, Aaron. And maybe, angry because whatever is between her and Nick has not gone away. He leans in to kiss her. In this moment, caught up in shedding clothes, Charlie doesn't hear her phone ring. It's Syd, leaving a message about the report on Aaron's death: the bullets that killed him came from a CIA-registered gun belonging to Nick Vera. At that moment, someone smashes the passenger window of Charlie's car. Two men pull Nick out and slap a black hood over his head as a third man stands by the driver's side window, pointing a gun at Charlie. As the first two men hustle Nick into a black van, the third shoots out two of Charlie's tires so she can't follow them. Then the mysterious men are gone. Charlie is still in shock when she sees that she has a voicemail. She picks up the phone and listens to Syd's message...


Serie Televisiva: State of Affairs
Stagione: 1 - Episodio: 4
Titolo Italiano: Bang, Bang
Titolo Originale: Bang, Bang
Prima Visione Assoluta: lunedì 8 Dicembre 2014 su NBC
Prima Visione USA: lunedì 8 Dicembre 2014 su NBC
Prima Visione Italia: lunedì 28 Settembre 2015 su Premium Stories
Nazione: USA
Durata: 45 minuti
Genere: Drammatico, Thriller

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