Tomohisa Yamashita
Scheda di Tomohisa YamashitaPersona conosciuta per The Man from Toronto (film), Nettare degli dei (serie), The Head (serie)
Conosciuto per
Tomohisa Yamashita is an absolute star in Japan, where he counts with hundreds of followers in his social media profiles and got a huge success thanks to his performances as an actor and a singer. Tomoisha Yamashita made his small acting debut for NHK's Shonentachi (1998) and has been active on Japanese TV since then. Yamashita made his official CD debut as part of idol group NEWS in 2004 and later debuted as a soloist in 2006. He got his successful acting career after an interesting portrayal as Kusano Akira for the hit drama Nobuta Wo Produce (2005). His biggest break as an actor came in 2006 when he landed his first lead role for popular drama Kurosagi. Since 2011, Yamashita is focused on his solo projects as actor and solo singer/idol. Sony Music Japan only managing Yamashita's music activities while his main career management remain under Johnny & Associates. Yamashita widely known for his many popular dramas such as Nobuta Wo Produce, Kurosagi, Proposal Daisakusen, Buzzer Beat, Code Blue series, From Five To Nine 5-ji Kara 9-ji Made: Watashi ni Koi Shita Obōsan and more. His latest movie Code Blue the movie (2018) was #1 highest-grossing movie for the year 2018 and #5 for all the time highest-grossing live action movie in Japan.
Cast Artistico
The Man from Toronto
... The Man From TokyoSeriegrafia
Cast Artistico
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